Sunday, March 21, 2010

75 Followers...Time for A Celebration?

Hey Everyone! So this post is a wee bit overdue from yesterday, but I finally made it to 75 followers! Yeah!, and thanks to every one of my followers who made this happen and encouraged me with comments and praises for my reviews. I couldn't have gone this far without you guys to support me.

First and foremost, I want to beg on my knees and ask for fogiveness for not posting a lot of reviews and memes these past two weeks. I've been really really busy, stressed, upset, disappointed (put in any other negative feeling) about school and grades. Right now, I'm in like my mid-life crisis (not really xD), but I've been trying all my best to bring back the luck I used to have for school. But I have been reading a lot, so just wait for more reviews! (And also, my library just ordered a whole batch of new books, so cannot wait to start on those when they arrive, which I hope is soon!)

I might be gone for this week too, depending on the amount of HW and tests we get (which isn't looking good either), but I will be on frequently the following week, since IT'S SPRING BREAK! WOO HOO! Cannot wait to just relax and erase all the bad memories from school and of course, update my blog (Movie Poster Monday and Fashion Friday are still going on!).

So, to celebrate my goal mark of 75 followers, I'm planning to hold a giveaway, not this week but the week after, when I have time to create forms and other stuff :). I wanted to ask some ideas for giveaways, would you want me to choose a group of books for you to choose from or have the winner pick any book they want? And  would you want one winner who wins multiple books or multiple winners with one book each? I hope I can make this contest big, even though I don't have a lot of money :(. Sorry in advance if it falls short of your expectations.

Also, if you're good at web graphics background or HTML, please let me know any good sites. I want to do a makeover soon. :) 

And to remind everyone that finally it's warm weather (at least in my area), here is a beautiful spring graphic, NOT created by me (trying to make myself be happy by looking at these pictures ^^).


  1. I like multiple winners, one book each-- spread the love :)

  2. Ditto to brandi! Love to have a bigger chance - even if it means less loot!

  3. Bigger Chances defiantly.

    If you want some help with the revamping and such give me an email buzz at, I can help a bit with some links and graphics if you need.

  4. I know what you mean about school totally sucking the life out of you! :D But yay, spring break!! You're awesome and so is your blog, and I hope you have a good rest of the semester

  5. Multiple winners!! You have an awesome blog. I really enjoy visiting..

  6. Congratulations on reaching 75 followers!

    I would say multiple winners, but don't think about the contests others are doing. Just do your own thing, even one book and one winner will be just fine I'm sure =) A tip is to use The Book Depository when throwing contests, they ship for free almost anywhere in the world. That makes it much cheaper to have international giveaways :)

    Good luck on all your tests and homework!

  7. Congrats on reaching 75 followers!
    And congrats on getting an award on my blog! (Lol that was cheesy)

    Looking forward to the celebration! :)


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